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NCF National Secondary Schools Chess Tournament 2019

Վերջին արդիացում10.12.2019 21:58:02, Creator/Last Upload: StLuciaChess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Actil EmmaniLCA0Vieux Fort
2Adamopoulos DanaiLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
3Albert VenjiLCA0Micoud
4Alfred KurnielLCA0Beanefield
5Berlass SaphiaLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
6Bernard EthanLCA0SMC
7Boyce JasonteLCA0Leon Hess
8Brouet CalebLCA0Leon Hess
9Brown CourtneyLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
10Charles JeronLCA0SMC
11Charles NahumLCA0Entrepot
12Clersaint KurtisLCA0Micoud
13Cox NashLCA0Micoud
14Damaze KiraLCA0Beanefield
15Daniel AiyanaLCA0Vieux Fort
16Daniel DenvilleLCA0Leon Hess
17David LeahLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
18Didier JohnLCA0Vieux Fort
19Dupres WinndellLCA0SMC
20Emmanuel KurtLCA0Leon Hess
21Ephraim MedoriaLCA0Beanefield
22Francis KevinLCA0Vieux Fort
23Gaspard JamieLCA0Vieux Fort
24Gustave KeonLCA0Micoud
25Henry ShernellLCA0Entrepot
26James TyrellLCA0Micoud
27Jankie DarrenLCA0Micoud
28Jn. Baptise KaniaLCA0Beanefield
29JnBaptiste MaquainLCA0Entrepot
30Bernard JosiahLCA0Leon Hess
31Joseph DaisyLCA0Micoud
32Joseph DamianLCA0Entrepot
33Jospeh EltusLCA0Micoud
34Leon JoelLCA0Vieux Fort
35Lubin NichusLCA0Micoud
36Marks TrysonLCA0Leon Hess
37Mathurin NathanielLCA0SMC
38Maxwell ZuckhemLCA0Entrepot
39Mcfalane VenceLCA0Vieux Fort
40Nickles JadenLCA0Leon Hess
41Noellien JohnathanLCA0Beanefield
42Nurse IvineLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
43Oscar TrevelynLCA0Beanefield
44Paul NoahLCA0Leon Hess
45Peter KerlisaLCA0Beanefield
46Ragwanan JeannotLCA0Entrepot
47Ramachandra JayashriLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
48Smith ReneeLCA0Leon Hess
49Solomon JoshuaLCA0Entrepot
50Son SageLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
51St. Cyr B'KnelliLCA0St. Joseph's Convent
52St. Valle HayleeLCA0Leon Hess
53Stanislaus EliahuLCA0Leon Hess
54Stanislaus EliseusLCA0Leon Hess
55Tisson SherquillLCA0Micoud
56Toussaint StephonLCA0Micoud
57Wilson WendelLCA0Beanefield