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V Juegos Paranacionales 2019 - VISUALES Femenino Rapido

Darrera actualització08.12.2019 00:41:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Franco Perez Yolima4442555NS1641
2Bautista Chiquillo Leidy4435737CUN1630
3WCMBecerra Fonseca Camila4433289CUN1438
4Yepes Bermudez Maribel4430425VAL1350
5Martes Maira Fernanda4447638ATL1346
6Berrio Suarez Yina Patricia4447530BOL1263
7Ruiz Gomez Luz Alba4427866SAN1166
8Contreras Sandoval Leidy Tatiana4485297ANT1705
9Carmona Luisa Maria4485270RIS1606
10Franco Atehortua Xiomara Andrea4489136ANT1600
11Salcedo Alvarado Cristina4489144CES1600
12Florez Beltran Leidy Lucila4489128SAN1277
13Munera G Lina Marcela4475984RIS1259
14Ceron Ceron Deisy Adriana4455606CAU1243
15Uribe Astudillo Maria Consuelo4475992CAU0