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Final Selectivo Nacional, Abs y Fem, Olimpiada Mundial de MoscĂș 2020. FEMENINO

Last update 15.12.2019 18:17:30, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

5WIMCastrillon Gomez Melissa4402413ANT2189
4WIMChirivi C Jenny Astrid4403061ANT2188
1WIMFranco Valencia Angela4403070BOL2167
2WGMFranco Valencia Beatriz I4402618BOL2116
8WIMMateus Martha4401549VAL2077
6WIMOrozco Lina Yomayra4402340VAL2060
7WIMCastro Natalia Patricia4404580ATL2038
10WFMMunoz Monroy Cinthya Carolin4407482ANT2005
11WFMOcampo Cristina4439490RIS1966
12CMToro Castaneda Elizabeth4429559ANT1932
3WFMPachon Adriana4400690CUN1926
9Romero Daniela4403274ANT1841