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ŠK Branik Jesensko zimski ciklus jzc9-2019

Last update 02.12.2019 20:58:03, Creator/Last Upload: ZupeMiran

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Final Ranking after 11 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
13FMSimic DraganSLO214490767,5
24Virtic Franc Ml.SLO214181670,5
31FMSupancic DarkoSLO229881665,5
42Zugaj FjodorSLO219481565
57Spelec DarkoSLO195971660
65Mitrovic BorisSLO204970766,5
78Kirbis MilanSLO19486,51659,5
810Vizovisek SlavkoSLO18486,50660
96Cojhter KarlSLO204260566,5
1011Vekic VojkoSLO171450554
119Kontler SasaSLO18884,50356
1212Furh IvanSLO158140358,5
1313Filipovic DraganSLO155830351,5
1416Simic Pusnik VitoSLO13112,50156
1514Krulic GoranSLO150420256
1615Vidonja VladoSLO150010055

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)