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1er Tournoi Blitz "Jean Lamothe"

Last update 29.11.2019 03:52:37, Creator/Last Upload: cmoscoso

Starting rank list of players

2Ros Calvino HectorCUB2195
1Bourdierd LuisDOM2063
3Jean Louis MarckensHAI2039
9Sanon MondolyHAI2012
10Germinal KemlyHAI1978
4Guillaume Jude MirvensHAI1965
5Luxama Jacques MullerHAI1938
8Brice GuerdyHAI1875
7Britus Samuel GabiusHAI1840
6Paul JoasonHAI1765
12Docteur Jean PetersonHAI1756
16Etienne AngeloHAI0
14Gabriel DavidsonHAI0
13Lamour PouplardHAI0
11Pierre RoobensHAI0
15Senatus RobenHAI0