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40.SCA Wolfmayer Cup Gruppe A

Last update 10.03.2020 15:19:47, Creator/Last Upload: Schachklub Dekron

Starting rank list of players

2Hutzheimer Alfred1057571615475AUT18561836
5Posch Thomas1111061639706AUT18081658
7Sonnberger Norbert113860AUT01623
3Röhrbacher Franz1120871635409AUT16961598
4Lentner Wolfram Mag.1082421634739AUT16781551
9Giefing Josef1036271617524AUT18001538
8Obmann Thomas1327421658018AUT14871506
1Peterka Walter1105831651404AUT16341502
10Grohs Wolfgang1040431632167AUT01458
6Redl Heribert1393141670379AUT01457