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European Woman Chess Championship-2011

Last update 20.06.2011 13:33:04, Creator: ,Last Upload:

Player overview for LAT

FED1234567891011 KGroup
42WGMRogule Laura2362LAT10110100½105,56715-14,70

Results of the last round for LAT

No.     No.
WIMArabidze Meri2277 1 - 0 WGMRogule Laura2362

Player details for LAT

WGM Rogule Laura 2362 LAT Rp:2292 5,5
1107Jalabadze Natia2052GEO4s 10,860,14152,10
21IMKosintseva Nadezhda2567RUS7w 00,24-0,2415-3,60
373WIMOzturk Kubra2262TUR6s 10,640,36155,40
485WIMGavasheli Ana2160GEO5w 10,760,24153,60
514IMUshenina Anna2468UKR6,5s 00,36-0,3615-5,40
697WFMMelashvili Nino2104GEO4,5w 10,820,18152,70
721IMMelia Salome2444GEO6,5s 00,39-0,3915-5,85
863WIMJanjghava Natia2291GEO6,5w 00,60-0,6015-9,00
961WGMKrivec Jana2296SLO5,5s ½0,59-0,0915-1,35
1066WIMKhurtsilava Inga2286GEO5,5w 10,600,40156,00
1171WIMArabidze Meri2277GEO6,5s 00,62-0,6215-9,30