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18th DELHI INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT (Category 'A') for Prize list Click download invitation

Last update 16.01.2020 11:30:59, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

Player overview for GEO

6GMPantsulaia Levan2598GEO101110111184Category A
10GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2578GEO11½½½½11½17,57Category A

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMStupak Kirill25067 0 - 17 GMPantsulaia Levan2598
GMVishnu Prasanna. V2474 0 - 1 GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2578

Player details for GEO

GM Pantsulaia Levan 2598 GEO Rp:2547 Pts. 8
195Soham Datar2145IND6w 1
251IMMuthaiah Al2367IND6s 0
3127Rakesh Kumar Nayak2046IND6w 1
4119Mahindrakar Indrajeet2066IND5,5s 1
549GMManik Mikulas2378SVK6,5w 1
637GMLugovskoy Maxim2453RUS7s 0
779WGMSrija Seshadri2225IND4,5w 1
843IMKhusenkhojaev Muhammad2420TJK7s 1
931IMNigmatov Ortik2467UZB6w 1
1023GMStupak Kirill2506BLR7s 1
GM Mchedlishvili Mikheil 2578 GEO Rp:2535 Pts. 7,5
199CMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan2124SRI6w 1
255Kaustuv Kundu2349IND6,5s 1
333IMTaher Yoseph Theolifus2462INA7w ½
437GMLugovskoy Maxim2453RUS7s ½
553FMAudi Ameya2359IND6,5w ½
675FMNavalgund Niranjan2246IND6,5s ½
781WIMArpita Mukherjee2211IND6w 1
844GMKarthikeyan P.2416IND6s 1
957IMRathnakaran K.2329IND7,5w ½
1029GMVishnu Prasanna. V2474IND6,5s 1