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12th Greek Youth Team Ch

Last update 04.12.2019 19:48:08, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
12E.O.A.O. 'FYSIOLATRIS' NIKAIAS651011171,52441121
24E.S. THESSALONIKIS65011012622,538115
31S.A. CHANION64028126,520,541122
43S.O. KAVALAS64028111,52038121
512S.P.Z. KERKYRAS64028111,52036116
67S.O. KATERINIS63127112,519,542120
713E.A. PATRON63127100,520,531104
85A.M.E.S. NEAS ERYTHRAIAS631279318,533113,5
108PANIONIOS G.S.630361071840117
119A.M.O. 'O GALAXIAS' THESSALONIKIS63036771833103,5
1217O.S. TRIANDRIAS630367017,52993,5
1316M.G.S. 'ETHNIKOS' ALEXANDROUPOLIS6303664,51727104
1418S.O. 'SACH' THESSALONIKIS621357315,531107,5
1510PEIRAIKOS O.S.6213564,5182689,5
1615S.O. 'IPPOTIS' RODOU6213555,51626103,5
1711S.A. SYKEON - NEAPOLIS620447717,53299,5
1820SKA.KI. TRIKALON6114348,5142791,5
1914A.O. 'ZINON' GLYFADAS61052641534101,5
2019S.A.K. 'ARGONAFTIS'6006035,57,524100

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break without lowest result (Khanty-Mansiysk)
Tie Break3: points (game-points)
Tie Break4: Sum Matchpoints (2,1,0) without lowest result (Olympiad Khanty-Mansiysk)
Tie Break5: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)