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FIDE World Senior Team Championship 2020 Category O50+

Last update 12.03.2020 20:51:53, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

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Team-Composition without round-results

  16. RUSSIA WOMEN (RtgAvg:2184 / TB1: 9 / TB2: 15,5) Captain: Aleksandr Zlochevskii
1WGMStrutinskaia Galina2214RUS4108558w262197
2WIMSirotkina Nina2183RUS4107284w572377
3WGMBogumil Tatiana2182RUS4110579w462171
4WGMFatalibekova Elena2158RUS4106792w3,562171
5WIMTitorenko Natalia I2113RUS4110129w131960