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Tata Steel Chess India 2019 - Rapid

Last update 28.11.2019 05:23:35, Creator/Last Upload: Virudhunagar District Chess Association

Starting rank list of players

8GMCarlsen Magnus1503014NOR2849
2GMDing Liren8603677CHN2832
6GMNakamura Hikaru2016192USA2812
3GMSo Wesley5202213USA2802
5GMAronian Levon13300474ARM2768
4GMNepomniachtchi Ian4168119RUS2765
9GMAnand Viswanathan5000017IND2757
7GMGiri Anish24116068NED2705
10GMVidit Santosh Gujrathi5029465IND2674
1GMHarikrishna Pentala5007003IND2667