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IRT Memorial Terzian 2019

Last update 08.12.2019 22:29:27, Creator/Last Upload: Herman Claudius van Riemsdijk

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Starting rank list

1FMCaldeira Adriano2102072BRA2208
2FMMarra Eduardo Da Costa2106990BRA2180
3Machado Antonio Rodrigo2194716BRA1773
4De Assis Fabio Nery2151677BRA1755
5Aragao Neto Joao Batista2112531BRA1735S50
6Da Rosa Henrique Jaze Simoes22710701BRA1719U14
7Alves Peterson Reinan22756027BRA1689
8Nobre Jailson Altair Barbosa2113279BRA1638
9Nobre Jose Adalberto Barbosa2113350BRA1631S50
10Jafet Junior Carlos2163209BRA1591S50
11Souza Ramon Santana De22767479BRA1566U16
12Nascimento Gabriela Vitoria22752501BRA1528U16
13Gomes Joao Paulo Santos22763244BRA1479U20
14De Souza Ana Lucia Silva22745556BRA1473U18
15Tsuchie Pedro Pinheiro22738428BRA1451U12
16Barros Jardel Teti22763236BRA1439
17Da Silva Isabela Ferreira Lua22741453BRA1321U14
18De Carvalho Vitor Augusto Ponciano22768556BRA1299U12
19Tsuchie Davi Pinheiro22738410BRA1287U10
20De Brito Gabrielly Rodrigues22770640BRA1284U14
21Damasio Fabio Ferreira22756965BRA1255S50
22Yachouh Edouard2115646BRA1193
23Laguna Oscar Alexander Sanchez22743715BRA1147U10
24De Carvalho Amauri22772707BRA1138S50
25Takano Ito Raphael Kenzo22766170BRA0U10
26Muniz Henrique RochaBRA0U08