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Ekipna liga - Maribor 2020

Last update 25.02.2020 12:40:52, Creator/Last Upload:

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Ranking crosstable

1 Adriatic Slovenica *  * ½2244444444444444074,502805,3
2 Carinsko SD Maribor2 *  * 2214443343444397002715,8
3 SK Gambit Maribor22 *  * 2214344444346602429,5
4 SD Fram0½2½22 *  * 14333433433443157,502019,8
5 Kavarna ART Kamnica½½333 *  * 12½2432334275101955,3
6 Sokol000½½0132 *  * 3433442344,501388,8
7 SD Messer Ruse0000111½ *  * 33242340,501364,3
8 SD Telekom0011½½0½2½ *  * 4241839,501233,5
9 Caoutsiderji0½½½½0½101½0 *  * 3341230,50890,5
10 SK Branik Maribor B000½0½1012011½1 *  * 349250778,5
11 ZSK Maribor00100011½1½1½1½2½11 *  * 424200650
12 ZSK Maribor mladi00000½00100020½0½0002 *  * 490302,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints
Tie Break4: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break