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Yosef Dobkin Memorial Herzliya International GM 2019

Last update 07.12.2019 21:12:42, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

Starting rank list of players

5GMZoler Dan2800705ISR2498
9IMFlom Gabriel621650FRA2497
7GMDvoirys Semen I.4100379RUS2490
10IMCaspi Israel2807394ISR2473
8IMBeerdsen Thomas1030108NED2468
4GMZifroni Dov2800659ISR2448
1GMBykhovsky Avigdor4101057RUS2408
3IMHaimovich Tal2801698ISR2395
6IMKrayz Alexander2802066ISR2375
2FMEmanuel Yahav2814790ISR2373