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7th Witney Chess Congress Open

Last update 03.11.2019 18:16:14, Creator/Last Upload: Pseudorandom

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Starting rank list

1FMZakarian David13301276ARM223None
2Mihov Filip15003892MKD223Oxford University
3FMBigg Andrew J409120ENG204None
4Peters Stephen G406040ENG196Aylesbury
5Hosdurga Chirag438189ENG184None
6Burrows Nick432105ENG182None
7Girdlestone Paul C408840ENG179None
8Abbott Mark V419664ENG173Exmouth
9Rajesh Gorak5091586ENG173None
10Rasanen Otto508551FIN170Oxford University
11Britnell Jonathan445932ENG169Lewes
12Moyse Nigel J802514WLS169Cumnor
13Britnell Matthew J446092ENG166Lewes
14Foster Timothy423769ENG164Guildford Chess Club
15Mcnally Richard J E422738ENG164Stratford
16Zakarian Dimitrios Levon453080ENG158None
17Kan Toby457515ENG145Downend & Fishponds
18Larkin Ben479977ENG141None