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UK Blitz Open 2019

Last update 16.11.2019 19:04:41, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

Starting rank list of players

5IMGhasi Ameet K409200ENG2582
10GMGormally Daniel W406465ENG2555
9GMTurner Matthew J402893SCO2534
3IMAdair James R406252ENG2484
13GMTan Justin3206882AUS2469
12GMArkell Keith C400270ENG2464
14IMRendle Thomas E408760ENG2461
7IMGreet Andrew N405817SCO2425
2IMCamacho Collados Jose2265427KOR2390
4IMD`costa Lorin409219ENG2370
15FMHaydon David L415405ENG2366
6IMSherwin James T2000997USA2227
8Pein Jonathan417092ENG2208
16FMWillow Jonah B438804ENG2187
1Beardsworth Allan432903ENG2144
11Rush Stephen2512173IRL2006