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Zonal Occidente Sub 14 IRT Abs Antioquia

Last update 24.04.2011 02:57:32, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Blandon Luis Guillermo4408039ANT1990
2FMPosada Juan Manuel4403100ANT1982
3Aristizabal Alejandro4423267ANT0
4Caldera Humberto De Jesus4408047ANT0
5Tirado Juan Esteban4422104ANT0
6Giraldo AbsalonCOR0
7Gutierrez Federico4427629ANT0
8Arboleda Tamayo Daniel4427610ANT0
9Calderon Zuluaga YeisonANT0
10Londono Lopez DavidANT0
11Rios Franco Juan PabloCAL0
12Arias Monsalve Andres FelipeCAL0
13Valencia Juan PabloANT0
14Giraldo Montoya JulianANT0
15Arboleda Orozco Juan MANT0
16David Gaviria Anderson C.ANT0