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International FIDE Master Tournament Piala Radja VII 2019

Last update 25.10.2019 06:45:04, Creator/Last Upload: JAPFA CHESS CLUB

Starting rank list of players

1IMLioe Dede7100566INA2314
2IMSadikin The Irwanto7100590INA2294
3IMWahono Awam7100760INA2293
4FMTunasly Kifly7100884INA2278
5Suyud Hartoyo7102704INA2229
6Maulana Muhammad Kahfi7105860INA2150
7Pramudhito Agustinus Arko7107820INA2112
8Rahman Harmani7101775INA2106
9Suharto Moh Wahyu Repelita7104197INA2100
10Attakaatsur Roid7103417INA2070