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Timor-Leste Third Rating Tournament 2019

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.10.2019 08:41:01, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

7Soares Germandina Xavier31900640TLS1532
4Tilman Maria L. A. Viegas31900275TLS1532
2Americo Joao31900356TLS1501
5Fernandes De Carvalho Paulo31900259TLS1453
9Da Silva Joao Benevides31900950TLS0
8Gaspar Juneto31901530TLS0
1Tilman Hermenegildo R. T. Viegas31901620TLS0
3Viegas Rivanho31901484TLS0
6Viegas Tilman Zezinho M.T31900607TLS0
10Ximenes Raimundo31900933TLS0