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Last update 17.04.2011 18:51:21, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Acosta Cubides Jorian JaredMET2020Rey Dama Club
2Diaz Cristian CamiloVAL1995
3Mayorquin NicolasVAL1880
4Gonzalez Andres FelipeVAL1862
5Zuleta Juan CarlosVAL1859
6Villamil Nahum JoseVAL1848
7Parra BrayanVAL1816
8Gomez Luis MiguelCAU1644
9Munoz Romero Cristian CamiloCAU1575
10Arismendi Efrain StevenCAQ1562
11Marin Rengifo Andres FernandoHUI1545
12Agudelo Pedro LuisCAU1531
13Cuevas Sanchez Bramdon DanielCAQ1414
14Hernandez Yeison StevenHUI1410
15Salamanca Juan DavidCAQ1333
16Rodriguez Jhon AlexanderCAQ1239
17Caderon Zuta NicolasHUI0
18Carrillo Juan DavidHUI0
19Espinosa Tovar Juan PabloHUI0
20Montes Loaiza Cristhian CamiloCAQ0
21Polo John AlexanderCAQ0
22Saenz Juan AndresHUI0
23Santofimio Vega Andres CamiloHUI0
24Trujillo Juan DavidHUI0
25Trujillo Rodriguez Juan JoseHUI0