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Hoogeveen Open 2019

Last update 26.10.2019 17:34:12, Creator/Last Upload: fpi

Player overview for UKR

10GMRomanishin Oleg M2441UKR1½0½1½1½½5,52110-16,20Open

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Bhambure Shantanu22915 ½ - ½5 GMRomanishin Oleg M2441

Player details for UKR

GM Romanishin Oleg M 2441 UKR Rp:2274 Pts. 5,5
149Otten Martijn2101NED3w 10,880,12101,20
231FMHilwerda Jonas2229NED5s ½0,77-0,2710-2,70
329WGMGomes Mary Ann2268IND5w 00,73-0,7310-7,30
440De Boer Bas2142NED4s ½0,85-0,3510-3,50
547CMElgersma Simon2111NED3,5w 10,880,12101,20
633Mueer Sebastian2194GER4,5s ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
764CMDev Shah2025IND5s 10,920,08100,80
816GMJonkman Harmen2383NED5,5w ½0,58-0,0810-0,80
926Bhambure Shantanu2291IND5,5s ½0,70-0,2010-2,00