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Hoogeveen Open 2019

Last update 26.10.2019 17:34:12, Creator/Last Upload: fpi

Player overview for RUS

59WFMKirchei Viktoriia2051RUS01111½1005,5440172,80Open

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
WFMKirchei Viktoriia2051 0 not paired  

Player details for RUS

WFM Kirchei Viktoriia 2051 RUS Rp:2581 Pts. 5,5
120IMDe Jong Migchiel2330NED5,5s 00,16-0,1640-6,40
239Mijnster Niels2145NED2,5w 10,370,634025,20
327IMGrooten Herman2274NED5w 10,220,784031,20
425FMElgersma Onno2306NED5,5s 10,190,814032,40
57IMVrolijk Liam2478NED5,5w 10,080,924036,80
69IMAkash Ganesan2449IND6,5w ½0,080,424016,80
78IMBeerdsen Thomas2472NED6s 10,080,924036,80
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0