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Hoogeveen Open 2019

Last update 26.10.2019 17:34:12, Creator/Last Upload: fpi

Player overview for MDA

15IMMorozov Nichita2394MDA1101½010½52410-5,30Open

Results of the last round for MDA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMMorozov Nichita2394 ½ - ½5 FMOkkes Menno2326

Player details for MDA

IM Morozov Nichita 2394 MDA Rp:2344 Pts. 5
154AIMPekin Tolgay2083TUR4,5s 10,860,14101,40
236WIMDjukic Sandra2179SRB4w 10,770,23102,30
35GMSindarov Javokhir2513UZB6w 00,34-0,3410-3,40
435FMTabak Stefan2181NED3,5s 10,770,23102,30
529WGMGomes Mary Ann2268IND5w ½0,67-0,1710-1,70
621FMMoksh Amit Doshi2328IND7s 00,59-0,5910-5,90
723FMDe Boer Eelke2323NED5,5w 10,600,40104,00
86IMSchoppen Casper2508NED6s 00,34-0,3410-3,40
922FMOkkes Menno2326NED5,5w ½0,59-0,0910-0,90