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VI Sunway Sitges International Chess Festival - Group A (Id.234911)

Last update 24.12.2019 16:55:58, Creator/Last Upload: LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Eduardo

Player overview for ISL

39GMStefansson Hannes25380ISL1110½½0½½05131Group A
75IMKjartansson Gudmundur24480ISL110101½0015,597Group A
124FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar23410ISL00000000000308Group A

Results of the last round for ISL

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMKjartansson Gudmundur2448 1 - 05 CMGopal K.N.1840
GMStefansson Hannes25385 0 not paired  
FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar23410 0 not paired  

Player details for ISL

GM Stefansson Hannes 2538 ISL Rp:2422 Pts. 5
1193Schut Han21690NED4s 1
2117IMSarkar Justin23600USA6w 1
3142FMWebb Laurence E22960ENG5,5s 1
410GMSethuraman S.P.26380IND7w 0
586IMLow Zhen Yu Cyrus24200SGP5,5s ½
692IMDhulipalla Bala Chandra Prasad24140IND6w ½
780IMMartin Duque Jesus24302394ESP6,5s 0
8109WGMVaishali R23760IND6w ½
9134FMKrishnater Kushager23080IND6,5s ½
10-not paired-- --- 0
IM Kjartansson Gudmundur 2448 ISL Rp:2385 Pts. 5,5
1230Parals Marce Luis20632065ESP3s 1
2152Jimenez Ruano Adrian22632254ESP4,5w 1
324GMPraggnanandhaa R25860IND6,5s 0
4154Kochavi Ori22590ISR5w 1
528GMPeralta Fernando25772584ARG6,5s 0
6146Papadiamandis Elliot22840FRA5,5w 1
74GMMelkumyan Hrant26680ARM6,5s ½
86GMLagarde Maxime26552596FRA7,5w 0
9142FMWebb Laurence E22960ENG5,5s 0
10283CMGopal K.N.18400IND5w 1
FM Stefansson Vignir Vatnar 2341 ISL Pts. 0
1281Gugan G18430IND4,5- 0K
2233FMDew Brian20540HKG4- 0K
3-not paired-- --- 0
4-not paired-- --- 0
5-not paired-- --- 0
6-not paired-- --- 0
7-not paired-- --- 0
8-not paired-- --- 0
9-not paired-- --- 0
10-not paired-- --- 0