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FIDE Grand Swiss 2019

Last update 21.10.2019 21:55:15, Creator/Last Upload: aeliens

Player overview for GEO

41GMCheparinov Ivan26701½1½0½½½½½½652GRAND SWISS
101GMJobava Baadur26171½00101½½½½5,587GRAND SWISS
144GMBatsiashvili Nino2422000½1½0½0114,5132GRAND SWISS

Results of the last round for GEO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMCheparinov Ivan2670 ½ - ½ GMMareco Sandro2634
GMJobava Baadur26175 ½ - ½5 GMMotylev Alexander2651
GMBatsiashvili Nino2422 1 - 0 IMBulmaga Irina2442

Player details for GEO

GM Cheparinov Ivan 2670 GEO Rp:2674 Pts. 6
1118GMBaron Tal25315,5w 1
277GMAdly Ahmed26364,5s ½
3101GMJobava Baadur26175,5w 1
413GMVitiugov Nikita27327,5w ½
57GMGrischuk Alexander27597s 0
678GMKuzubov Yuriy26366,5s ½
794GMSethuraman S.P.26246,5w ½
8104GMNarayanan.S.L26116s ½
9102GMDeac Bogdan-Daniel26136w ½
1085GMTari Aryan26305,5s ½
1182GMMareco Sandro26346w ½
GM Jobava Baadur 2617 GEO Rp:2624 Pts. 5,5
124GMHowell David W L26947w 1
251GMDreev Aleksey26626,5w ½
341GMCheparinov Ivan26706s 0
436GMPonomariov Ruslan26754,5s 0
5142IMHouska Jovanka24303,5w 1
654GMGanguly Surya Shekhar26585,5s 0
7145IMZatonskih Anna24223w 1
860GMOparin Grigoriy26546,5s ½
922GMAmin Bassem26995,5w ½
1059GMMovsesian Sergei26545,5s ½
1162GMMotylev Alexander26515,5w ½
GM Batsiashvili Nino 2422 GEO Rp:2426 Pts. 4,5
167GMRiazantsev Alexander26456s 0
293GMHuschenbeth Niclas26244,5w 0
3118GMBaron Tal25315,5s 0
4135GMJansa Vlastimil24524s ½
5152WGMNebolsina Vera22523w 1
6137GMArkell Keith C24474,5w ½
788GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo26294,5s 0
8132IMAtalik Ekaterina24643,5w ½
9117GMBoruchovsky Avital25334s 0
10148GMSolomon Kenny23822,5w 1
11140IMBulmaga Irina24423,5w 1