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3rd ACL Chess Festival 2019 U14

Last update 05.10.2019 16:01:41, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Minnaar

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Starting rank

1Ncethelo BongolethuRSA1363
2Bell AyakhaRSA1299
3Van Tonder WiumRSA1260
4Prinsloo ReinhardtRSA1159
5Davids RafaelRSA1147
6Kariem ShakirRSA1110
7Diniso SoluleleRSA1072
8Barrish MichalRSA1022
9Msebi SimamkelaRSA991
10Osborne Ryan EugeneRSA978
11Dibi ThamsanqaRSA946
12Lee JawadRSA792
13Mpobane LesegoRSA761
14Kotope TshepoRSA727
15Budge DanielRSA703
16Yonga MinhaRSA576
17Chorley JasmineRSA526
18Pokwana BilalRSA500
19Kabeya JonathanRSA0
20Lwando MasokaRSA0
21Manyonga AshneyRSA0