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Educatie pentru sport - B10

Last update 08.04.2011 18:06:23, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 1)

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Rank after Round 6

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Bran StefanROU01705211417,00
23Capatina ValentinROU01704,519,512,512,50
314Stanga CatalinROU017042315,515,00
46Haita AdrianROU017042012,511,50
513Soare MateiROU01703,521,514,511,50
68Jianu LucaROU01713,517,512,57,25
711Popa CezarROU0Goethe319,5128,00
85Gulie Bogdan GheorgheROU0Goethe317125,00
94Cheran MihaiROU0171313,5105,00
102Calinescu AndreiROU01712,520136,50
119Matejezuk FlorianROU0Goethe2,515113,75
127Harpau GabrielROU0Goethe2,515113,50
1310Nedea GeorgeROU0170113,590,00
1412Popescu MateiROU01101610,50,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable