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2019 New Caledonia Open

Last update 19.10.2019 07:07:27, Creator/Last Upload: Papua New Guinea Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1GMShoker Samy627143EGY2499
2GMDemuth Adrien642274FRA2498
3IMKer Anthony F4300084NZL2314
4IMDive Russell John4300106NZL2288
5FMSteadman Michael V R4300548NZL2199
6FMSmith Robert W4300190NZL2183
7WFMDe Seroux Camille1305620SUI2140
8FMDuneas John4302052NZL2115
9Giraud Sylvain649686FRA2068
10FMFancy Stuart9100024PNG1982
11Patterson Miles3214028AUS1947
12Metge J. Nigel4300181NZL1928
13Petre Rene26089530FRA1920
14Veu Michel26089548FRA1910
15Douyere Nicolas551056011FRA1899
16Edo EricFRA1899
17Lalo Laurent26038218FRA1883
18CMKorenevski Oleg3206386AUS1859
19Mitel Cedric45116237FRA1799
20Baiango James Tepuke17900085SOL1743
21WFMSmith Vivian J4301935NZL1700
22Lagikula Humble551028956FRA1678
23Diamant-Berger Ludovic20650540FRA1671
24Chardon Heremoana551028948FRA1606
25Hne Nathanael45116032FRA1487
26Hudan Sandro551029111FRA1424
27Darjana Nathan36052884FRA1409
28Kaemo Arden551033429FRA1302
29Lelong Antoine45116067FRA1250
30Ajapuhnya Jean-LaurentFRA1199
31Apikaoua Michel551055970FRA1199
32Bellier Titouan551043742FRA1199
33Bonbon Christophe551055996FRA1199
34Djoupa EdgarFRA1199
35Maperi WarsonFRA1199
36Toura Marcel551056038FRA1199
37Utia Makea551029065FRA1199
38Walewen Jean551028964FRA1199
39Rochedreux Jean-Antoine551029154FRA1099
40Ravenel Tangi551029049FRA1080