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IRT Piaui Paralelo STD 64

Last update 27.10.2019 22:35:43, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

Starting rank list of players

5Teixeira Junior Gilberto Alves2275000218661921
10da Costa Michel Yan Luz Vaz2275734101754
8Sales Luis Carlos213617117471890
6Silva Ronnyel Carlos Cunha2274726516941821
1 Cunha Charles da Costa2275513616821801
2Dantas Marcos Dimitri De Rosalmeida2275736815671820
4Da Luz Fabio Rodolfo213474815271734
3Do Nascimento Joao Batista2275737614331780
7Luz Christian Oliveira2271177513911769
9Pacifico Joao Paulo Alves2275590012111767