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11th European Senior Chess Championship

Last update 20.06.2011 13:27:58, Creator: Stefan.Hellweger,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for SVK

1GMTimoscenko Gennadij2502SVK11½01111½732489
11GMPlachetka Jan2355SVK111½½½01½692425

Results of the last round for SVK

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMSuba Mihai24657 ½ - ½ GMTimoscenko Gennadij2502
GMPlachetka Jan2355 ½ - ½ GMCebalo Miso2486

Player details for SVK

GM Timoscenko Gennadij 2502 SVK Rp:2489 Pts. 7
151IMElfert Aleksandr V2039RUS4,5w 1
227Ossipov Viktor2179RUS5,5s 1
317WIMStrutinskaya Galina N2269RUS5,5w ½
410GMGaprindashvili Nona2362GEO5,5s 0
532WFMMiednikova Swietlana2169RUS5w 1
623Estrada Martinez Cesar2193ESP5w 1
711GMPlachetka Jan2355SVK6s 1
89GMButnorius Algimantas2388LTU6,5w 1
93GMSuba Mihai2465ROU7,5s ½
GM Plachetka Jan 2355 SVK Rp:2425 Pts. 6
161Ivanov Michail1935RUS2,5w 1
238Nickl Klaus2140AUT5,5s 1
322WGMKhmiadashvili Tamar2194GEO5,5w 1
44IMOkhotnik Vladimir2458FRA7s ½
56GMKupreichik Viktor D2431BLR6,5w ½
68FMMishuchkov Nikolai M2408RUS6s ½
71GMTimoscenko Gennadij2502SVK7w 0
837FMValenti Giuseppe2143ITA5,5s 1
92GMCebalo Miso2486CRO6w ½