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11th European Senior Chess Championship

Last update 20.06.2011 13:27:58, Creator: Stefan.Hellweger,Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Player overview for AUT

34Kratschmer Heinz2161AUT11½00½1½15,5242230
38Nickl Klaus2140AUT10½1½01½15,5272168

Results of the last round for AUT

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Nickl Klaus2140 1 - 0 FMSerra Olives Tomas2208
Bayer Wolfgang Dr2073 0 - 1 Kratschmer Heinz2161

Player details for AUT

Kratschmer Heinz 2161 AUT Rp:2230 Pts. 5,5
184Renzini Lorenzo1747ITA4,5s 1
27GMTseitlin Mark D2420ISR6,5w 1
315WGMFatalibekova Elena2282RUS5,5s ½
412FMWerner Clemens2353GER6w 0
55GMChernikov Oleg L2438RUS6s 0
670Topaloglu Hayati1881TUR3,5w ½
756Gousseinov Aguif1979FRA5s 1
827Ossipov Viktor2179RUS5,5w ½
945Bayer Wolfgang Dr2073GER4,5s 1
Nickl Klaus 2140 AUT Rp:2168 Pts. 5,5
188Deiana Giacomo1689ITA3,5s 1
211GMPlachetka Jan2355SVK6w 0
365Cavatorta Fosco1914ITA3,5s ½
466Frank Albert1909BEL4,5w 1
519FMPeretz Malkiel2255ISR7s ½
613FMVikulov Alexander2316RUS6w 0
757Kayaman Metin1973TUR4,5s 1
829FMZhelesny Stanislav2172RUS5,5w ½
921FMSerra Olives Tomas2208ESP4,5w 1