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1st Youth rapid tournament "Chess Rising Stars 2019" - GROUP B (U10)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony29.09.2019 17:03:04, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Lista startowa

1Salomeia Mihai1381U10Chess Stars
2Stan Luca1346U10Differdange
3Ortiz Bogdanov Santiago1321U10Differdange
4Sortikos Phivos1263U10Chess Stars
5Devitt Adrien1232U10Chess Club Stroossen
6Sivashankar Samyukta1201wU10Differdange
7Antoniou Alexandros1200U10Chess Stars
8Bali Ayanna1200wU10Chess Stars
9Dutrop Raphael1200U10no club
10González-Goméz Damian1200U10TSM Schëffleng
11Oberweis Jamie1200U10Echternach
12Plard Axel1200U10Differdange
13Riccucci Olivier1200U10TSM Schëffleng
14Somekh Ido1200U10Chess Club Stroossen
15Trapani Luigi Alexandros1200U10Chess Stars
16Vernardos Vasileios1200U10Chess Stars
17Hanold Dominic0U10no club
18Zausa Giulio0U10no club
19Badale Alina1200wU10Differdange