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11th European Senior Chess Rapid Championship

Last update 05.04.2011 17:24:01, Creator/Last Upload: Stefan.Hellweger

Player overview for BLR

5GMKupreichik Viktor D2431BLR11½1½½1106,512515
28Sevenyuk Alexey1932BLR½0½½1001½4242048

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
GMTimoscenko Gennadij 1 - 0 GMKupreichik Viktor D
Sevenyuk Alexey ½ - ½ Bondick Karl-Heinz

Player details for BLR

GM Kupreichik Viktor D 2431 BLR Rp:2515 Pts. 6,5
122Vrhovnik Damir2063CRO5w 1
214WGMKhmiadashvili Tamar2194GEO4,5s 1
39GMGaprindashvili Nona2362GEO5,5w ½
42GMCebalo Miso2486CRO6,5s 1
57FMMishuchkov Nikolai M2408RUS6,5w ½
68GMButnorius Algimantas2388LTU6s ½
710WGMFatalibekova Elena2282RUS5w 1
83IMOkhotnik Vladimir2458FRA6,5w 1
91GMTimoscenko Gennadij2502SVK6,5s 0
Sevenyuk Alexey 1932 BLR Rp:2048 Pts. 4
111FMGruzmann Boris2281RUS5s ½
23IMOkhotnik Vladimir2458FRA6,5w 0
329Chireykina Natalia1831RUS4s ½
418FMBarlocco Carlo2162ITA3,5s ½
530Hlinschi Mihai1702ROU3,5w 1
64GMChernikov Oleg L2438RUS5w 0
724Baum Kurt Dr2056GER5s 0
833Brugnolo Paolo1498ITA2- 1K
919Bondick Karl-Heinz2155GER4w ½