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Mongolian national chess championships-2019 Women

Last update 29.09.2019 07:13:07, Creator/Last Upload: Mongolian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3IMMunguntuul Batkhuyag4900758MGL2421Zavkhan province, Aldar sport commi
7WFMAltantuya Boldbaatar4902785MGL2277Dagshaakhuu chess club
1WGMEnkhtuul Altan-Ulzii4901444MGL2237Selenge province, Domestic troops o
9WFMAnu Bayar4901339MGL2165Dagshaakhuu chess club
11WIMLkhamsuren Uuganbayar4901347MGL2161Khan-Altai chess club, Brickland LL
4WIMAnkhchimeg Bayanmunkh4900600MGL2127Arkhangai province, Abico LLC
2Naran-Erdene Naranbaatar4903900MGL2100Sukhbaatar province
6FMKhulan Enkhsaikhan4902122MGL2085Mongolian national university of ed
8WCMMunkhzul Davaakhuu4902815MGL2007State Bank, Central chess club, Khu
10WCMUchral Gankhuyag4901673MGL1747Selenge province, Central chess clu
12WCMUdval Enkhsaikhan4903315MGL1721Tuv province, Gobichess club
5Khuslen Erdenebayar4910532MGL1259Tuv province, Master chess club