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Mongolian national chess championships-2019 Men

Last update 29.09.2019 07:14:37, Creator/Last Upload: Mongolian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1GMBatchuluun Tsegmed4900847MGL2537Chinggis chess club, Aldar sport co
2IMBilguun Sumiya4901541MGL2497Suld sport committee, Chinggis ches
12GMGundavaa Bayarsaikhan4901045MGL2482Shunkhlai group, Gegeen arvai chess
3FMNasanjargal Urtnasan4900774MGL2480Khentii province
5IMBatsuren Dambasuren4902920MGL2454Dagshaakhuu chess club
8IMMunkhgal Gombosuren4901266MGL2429Uvurkhangai province
7Gan-Erdene Sugar4902980MGL2407Shine Mongol High school
11IMBattulga Namkhai4900880MGL2403Orkhon province, Khangarid sport cl
10FMAmartuvshin Ganzorig4902548MGL2391Zavkhan province, School-1, Khan-Al
4Agibileg Uurtsaikh4901606MGL2380Khan-Altai chess club, Uvs province
9FMEnkhnar Enkhbaatar4900324MGL2374Sukhbaatar province, Thermal power
6FMBoldoo Erdenepurev4901037MGL2338Zavkhan province, Khan-Altai chess