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City Of Dublin Championship 2019

Last update 16.09.2019 15:50:31, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank

1CMHarding TimIRL1973
2Haque Mustakim-Ul13525IRL1918
3McLoughlin Sean12593IRL1886
4Janusaitis Mindaugas12148IRL1767
5Putar Leon18621IRL1767
6Burke Kevin4783IRL1752
7Gupta Utkarsh17560IRL1750
8Venkatesan Kavin17739IRL1747
9Murray Benjamin17723IRL1742
10Collins Adam18019IRL1729
11Phelan Leo17557IRL1728
12Boland Dylan13187IRL1724
13Antohi Marius17628IRL1720
14Goss Alex13412IRL1708
15Matthews Gabriel17879IRL1700
16Novak Vjekoslav17866IRL1688
17O'Neill Sam10747IRL1684
18Fitzsimons Pat1733IRL1641
19Brozynski Patryk17868IRL1640
20Diril Isil18994IRL1636
21Nikrow Shahram7132IRL1629
22Hunter Sean13458IRL1612
23Armstrong FredIRL1609
24Lohan Martin18322IRL1608
25Paronyan Vahe18214IRL1591
26Cook Thea18615IRL1581
27McGlade Emmet17709IRL1575
28Murray Sam13434IRL1575
29Putar Lara18623IRL1565
30O'Hanlon Pat17880IRL1522
31Avetisyan Gagik18191IRL1519
32Farrelly Eoin17572IRL1515
33O'Connor Hugh17898IRL1501
34Murphy Adam13483IRL1476
35Sinclair Liam18989IRL0