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VII IRT Xeque Mate U2200

Last update 08.09.2019 22:14:41, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Estado de Goias

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Starting rank list

1Da Silva Filho Jair Humberto2108640BRA2007
2AIMDe Souza Sa Apolo324225390FID1999
3Labussiere Yago2186969BRA1988
4CMSoares Renan Barbosa Monteiro2119200BRA1912
5Felix Raimundo Nascimento2142899BRA1822
6CMDe Siqueira Luigy Lira22722734BRA1780
7Ferraz Michel Liah22743219BRA1775
8dos Santos Abel CardosoBRA1771
9Andreata Mauro Antonio22756205BRA1698
10Felix Luiza De Oliveira2168162BRA1593
11Valente Fernando Cesar2125510BRA1503
12Colivet Gamboa Julio Cesar3949583VEN1399
13De Oliveira Caio Guilherme V.2196433BRA1352
14De Oliveira Enzo Resende22724621BRA1296
15De Oliveira Joao Lucas Vieira22722998BRA1148
16Diamant Isaac KamphorstBRA0
17Evangelista Fabio Soares22761993BRA0