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European Women Individual Blitz Chess Championship 2019

Last update 29.11.2019 19:06:46, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

Player overview for ARM

24IMMkrtchian Lilit2268ARM1½½1010111011992027,20Blitz

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No.NameTypGrFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrFEDRtgNo.
13524IMMkrtchian LilitARM22688 1 - 08 WIMBenmesbah NatachaFRA227023

Player details for ARM

IM Mkrtchian Lilit 2268 ARM Rp:2311 Pts. 9
168WFMToncheva Nadya1777BUL6s 10,920,08201,60
246WIMSemenova Elena2114RUS6w ½0,71-0,2120-4,20
341IMOvod Evgenija2163RUS6,5s ½0,64-0,1420-2,80
452WIMJohansson Viktoria2041SWE5,5w 10,790,21204,20
517WGMBabiy Olga2302UKR8s 00,45-0,4520-9,00
643GMGaprindashvili Nona2136GEO7w 10,680,32206,40
79IMPaehtz Elisabeth2380GER8,5s 00,35-0,3520-7,00
837WIMMuetsch Annmarie2202GER7w 10,590,41208,20
970Waardenburg Marlinde1709NED5s 10,920,08201,60
107IMGaponenko Inna2415UKR7,5w 10,300,702014,00
112GMMuzychuk Anna2504UKR9w 00,20-0,2020-4,00
1236WGMBelenkaya Dina2203RUS7s 10,590,41208,20
1323WIMBenmesbah Natacha2270FRA8w 10,500,502010,00