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Esfahan Championship Boy - U16

Last update 05.09.2019 17:42:22, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Sarafnia (Esfahan Chess Association)

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Starting rank

1Jamali Pouria12585246IRI1794
2Rabi Amir22519076IRI1766
3Gharibvand Ramin42590671IRI1326
4Taheri Mohammad Mehdi22556257IRI1316
5Mehralian Mohammad22585052IRI1233
6Haghighi Mohammad Mehdi42504678IRI1201
7Abbasi HoseinIRI0
8Davoodi Zavareh Mohamad HasanIRI0
9Fadavi AlirezaIRI0
10Ghafar poor MohammadIRI0
11Heydarpoor ImanIRI0
12Karimi Parast AbolfazlIRI0
13Rahnema Mohamad mehdiIRI0
14Salehi AmirIRI0
15Tavakoli Mohammadhosein32737823IRI0