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Northern Cape Closed Chess Championships 2019 OPEN

Last update 01.09.2019 12:46:28, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Pesa Mofoka14304163RSA1909S50
2Mathebula Xolani Cebo14328771RSA1844
3Sikwati Lizo14311321RSA1844
4Mithi Dumiso14331241RSA1612
5Mashope Mpho14305755RSA1608
6Maupa Simon14331225RSA1353
7Kgosi Bushy14334526RSA1345S65
8Applegreen Thato14341980RSA1276U20
9Pose Pablo William14339919RSA1272
10Motsamai Mpho14331489RSA1270
11Riet Cassious14331420RSA1098
12Basigi Itireleng14331586RSA926
13Manaka Vincent14334305RSA875
14Boesak Siyabonga14342006RSA862U20
15Somo Palisa14342022RSA527wU20
16Baloyi Derrick14341999RSA0
17Hendriks Lynor Luzain14342014RSA572w