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Egyptian League 2010/2011 (2nd Match)

Il sito e stato aggiornato il15.07.2011 20:28:10, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: EGYPTIAN CHESS FEDERATION

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Tabellone per classifica (Pts.)

Pos Squadra1a1b2a2b3a3b4a4b5a5b6a6b7a7b8a8b9a9b10a10b11a11b12a12b Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
1 El Dakhlia *  * 46566776431330
2 Sharkia Dokhan4 *  * 666777777887839139,50
3 Shorta2 *  * 7546576633113,50
4 Hawamdya213 *  * 45546565423850
5 Elhawar23244 *  * 444744452281,50
6 Gezeret Elward2112344 *  * 6547442185,50
7 Badr21½313441 *  * 765651879,50
8 Elray1½144231 *  * 051870,50
9 Shoban Asiut½½11222428 *  * 563601359,52
10 Gedela½1½031323 *  * 5451359,50
11 Imbaba20½2343432534 *  * 4863,50
12 Zaqaziq104432834 *  * 761,50

Cls1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Cls2: points (game-points)
Cls3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints