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Campeonato Paranaense Juvenil 2011 Feminino

Last update 27.03.2011 21:19:52, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Round 4 on 2011/03/27 at 09:00

Bo.No.NamePts. ResultPts. NameNo.
13SAKADA Carolina Contrera3 ½ - ½2 Angelotti Rafaela Beatriz4
25BENEZ Laksmi2 0 - 12 LEÂO Cintia Rocha1
32TAVARES Imyra Cecília 1 - 01 SILVA Ana Paula Rezende da9
47KAWAKAMI Keila Suemi1 1 - 0 ROCHA Juliana da Silva6
58TAVARES Tayra Maria1 1 - 00 ZIMMERMANN Andressa10