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Latvijas cempionats zeni-12, 21.-25.03.2011.

Last update 25.03.2011 13:45:17, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

Starting rank list of players

10Tokranovs Dmitrijs mkLAT2083
3Sirokovs Jevgenijs 1LAT1980
8Stabulnieks Klavs 1LAT1949
4Zuj-Zaikovskis Nikita 1LAT1856
5Sostaks Romans 1LAT1850
6Megnis Renars 1LAT1840
1Vladimirovs Daniils 1LAT1827
7Bogorads Daniels 1LAT1813
9Vevers Elans 1LAT1806
2Sinauridze Simons 1LAT1796