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The 7th all Ethiopian U-17 open championship

Last update 24.08.2019 10:17:26, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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Starting rank

1Bereket ZelalemETH0
2Biniyam AkliluETH0
3Biniyam HaileETH0
4Biruk DejeneETH0
5Daniel ZewduETH0
6Desta DebelaETH0
7Diden HassenmusseETH0
8Eliab simenigusETH0
9Esayas FikaduETH0
10Esrael MisganawETH0
11Eyael DesalegnETH0
12Eyob AlemuETH0
13Fisiha DestaETH0
14Gedion TigistuETH0
15Habtamu AlemayoETH0
16Habtamu BayuETH0
17Henock GirmaETH0
18Kaleb WondewsenETH0
19Kidus WondesenETH0
20Mearg YemaneETH0
21Mihretab AbadiETH0
22Mintesnot AdinikETH0
23Nahom GetuETH0
24Nebiye DawitETH0
25Obsi MulugetaETH0
26Petros OlanaETH0
27Solomon AyeleETH0
28Tilahun GetinetETH0
29Woldesilassie G/herETH0