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World Senior Chess Championship 2019 - W65

Last update 23.11.2019 18:21:30, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 25)

Player overview for SVK

50FMKolesar Milan2177SVK1½½01011000576M50
14Hrivnakova Anna1548SVK01½010½0000313W65

Results of the last round for SVK

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Pogosian Vladimir20175 + - -5 FMKolesar Milan2177
WGMKozlovskaya Valentina21307 1 - 03 Hrivnakova Anna1548

Player details for SVK

FM Kolesar Milan 2177 SVK Rp:2159 Pts. 5
1119Serafim Junior Arnor1826BRA4s 1
27GMMorovic Fernandez Ivan2505CHI8,5w ½
321FMRinas Oleg2420KAZ7s ½
43GMSturua Zurab2540GEO7,5w 0
593Kainz Josef1937AUT5s 1
620GMBadea Bela2420ROU7,5w 0
789Martinez Lopez Jaume1985ESP5s 1
8134Munos Jean Marc Lucien Jose1504ROU4w 1
927FMBuzbuchi Ionut2315GER6,5s 0
1061Ivanov Sergei V.2138RUS6,5w 0
1185Pogosian Vladimir2017ARM6- 0K
Hrivnakova Anna 1548 SVK Rp:1668 Pts. 3
17WIMTsifanskaya Ludmila A1981ISR7,5w 0
2-bye- --- 1
38Serjmyadag Damdin1874MGL5s ½
42WGMFatalibekova Elena2152RUS8w 0
515Gandelman Ita1525ISR3s 1
613Abdikasova Panu1563KAZ4w 0
712Hoose Hannelore1654GER1,5w ½
811Bujinlkham Purevdorj1794MGL5,5s 0
93WIMTitorenko Natalia I2135RUS6,5s 0
101GMGaprindashvili Nona2275GEO8,5w 0
114WGMKozlovskaya Valentina2130RUS8s 0