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Japan Club/Team Chess Championship 2019 クラブ/チーム

Last update 23.10.2019 07:32:58, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamTeamGroupGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
128x8 Blunders8x8 ??65101118083,5240,8
21Osaka KnightsOK64201016,5088,5238
36Kitasenju Chess Club AKitasenju-A6411915,5072188
44Hongo Chess no KaiHongo6411913,5083,5185,3
55To Be AnnouncedTBA6402818080221,8
610Keio Gijuku University AKeio-A6402817069182,8
7168x8 Checkmates8x8 #6321813071,5144,8
87Chiba Chess Club AChiba-A6312715080176,3
913Chess Club ShirokaneShirokane6312714,5076,5181,3
108Nagoya Chess ClubNagoya6312714069153,8
113Tokyo Chess MeetupTCM6312713090191,3
129Tohoku UniversityTohoku6312713077,5153
1312Tachikawa Chess ClubTachikawa6231712062124,3
1415Azabu Gakuen CAzabu-C6312711084,5136,8
1527Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club BBilingual-B6312710075,5111,8
1614University of Tsukuba ATsukuba-A6303613066,5116
1718Chiba Chess Club BChiba-B6303611,5070,5113,8
1817Kitasenju Chess Club BKitasenju-B6303610,5076105,8
1911Keio Gijuku University OB Senior AlphaKeioOB-Alpha6213512,5070116
2021Azabu Gakuen AAzabu-A6213512073134
2122University of Tsukuba BTsukuba-B6132511067,5108,5
2219Sophia UniversitySophia6213510,5075,5121
2324Keio Gijuku University BKeio-B6213510,505986,3
2428Daito Bunka University ADaito-A511351005682,8
2520Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club ABilingual-A6123411067,5100,8
2623Keio Gijuku University OB Senior BetaKeioOB-Beta612349,5070102,5
2726Azabu Gakuen BAzabu-B510448,5053,561,3
2825Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club CBilingual-C510447055,540
2930University of Tsukuba CTsukuba-C502347051,544
3029University of Tsukuba DTsukuba-D50143605437,5
3131Daito Bunka University BDaito-B500526,505242

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)
Tie Break5: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break