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Campeonato Brasiliense de Xadrez - Semifinal 1 ID FIDE 58389

Last update 26.05.2011 18:51:33, Creator/Last Upload: arimaiajunior

Starting rank list of players

9Pompeo Flavio Sposto2109530BRA21680
6Abrantes Tiago Garrido2139227BRA20510
4Oliveira Maicon Almeida De2125463BRA20190
1Tratz Leonardo Schmaedecke2103958BRA19980
2Faria Fillipe Marinho2141477BRA19590
3Reis Ernesto Guevara2103680BRA19210
5Freitas Rogerio Pereira2127253BRA18160
8Brasileiro Antonio Carlos2107180BRA17420
7Felix Raimundo NascimentoBRA00