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Torneio Brasiliense Amador 2011 - ID FIDE 58388

Last update 07.05.2011 19:07:09, Creator/Last Upload: arimaiajunior

Starting rank list of players

8Tratz Leonardo SchmaedeckeBRA1998
9Oliveira Maicon Almeida DeBRA1963
1Reis Ernesto GuevaraBRA1921
2Maio Guedes Luis AugustoBRA1875
3Freitas Rogerio PereiraBRA1855
4Barbosa Edinardo MeirelesBRA1815
10Sampaio Filho Joao RodriguesBRA1795
5Brasileiro Antonio CarlosBRA1730
6Figueiredo Jr Wagner PrimoBRA1721
7Olivo Anibal RibeiroBRA0