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II. Lyceum Kupa 2019 Pécs városi egyéni sakkbajnokság Standard

Last update 20.08.2019 12:39:52, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 5

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Round 7 on 2019/08/19 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
12Nagybiro Laszlo2188 1 - 0 Kresz Adam19724
212Rostas Sandor15263 1 - 04 Nemeth Attila Janos19515
31Bene Zoltan2212 0 - 13 Varga Miklos18657
49Dani Ferenc1685 0 - 1 Horvath Csaba166910
56Pater Peter1925 - - +1 Toth Fanni014
613Marcz Tade13671 0 - 1 Toth Lili154511
73Drinoczi Peter2040 0 not paired 
88Kresz Tamas17491 0 not paired