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Berks & Bucks 2019 - Championship

Last update 26.08.2019 20:13:28, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Verma Aditya426202ENG2151
2Hand Freddie436950ENG2142
3Pye David E411345ENG2135
4Price Gwilym T443980ENG2134
5Moore Gerald403440ENG2078
6Hackett Dave G402281ENG2063
7Nettleton Charlie B419710ENG2045
8Peters Stephen G406040ENG2027
9Chakanyuka Charles11000341ZIM2019
10Wager John D420204ENG2014
11CMRoyal Shreyas448869ENG2010
12Hayward Philip T20672870ENG1991
13Akeya-Price Robert A430510ENG1988
14Varney Zoe436135ENG1975
15Fathallah Joe1801899WLS1952
16Pousada Garcia Daniel2278642ESP1928
17Rahman K Azizur419974ENG1897
18Borland Scott437875ENG1782